Q: In the given figure ABCD is a square with area 576 sqft. Find the area of the circle with center O.

(Target Audience: GMAT)

A. 20π

B. 50π

C. 75π

D. 144π

E. 576π

Answer: Option D

Explanation: Generic Way

Area of square = (side)2=576

Side of square, AB = 576=24

Since side of square is equal to the diameter of the circle. Therefore,

Diameter of circle = 24

Thus radius of circle = diameter2= 242=12

Therefore, Area of circle = r2= 122=144, OPTION D

Explanation: Holamaven Way

In the figure, circle covers almost complete area of square. Thus area of circle should be very close to 576. Working on options

Option A: 20 x 3 (Approx. value of Pi) -> Eliminated

Option B: 50 x 3 (Approx. value of Pi) -> Eliminated

Option C: 75 x 3 (Approx. value of Pi) -> Eliminated

Option D:

Option E: 576 x 3 (Approx. value of Pi) -> Eliminated